Friday, April 29, 2011

Bragging Rights!

So there are some products that I just LOVE.. those things that once you have them, you don't want to go without them. Today is my day to share them with you.

 These are my FAVORITE.. and only... rain boots by Corky! Why would I need any other pair!? They are awesome with their high heels and their zebra print! I love them and wonder why I went all that time with wet shoes and no boots!

Shatter nail polish by OPI. The cousin of Crackle. I don't want plain nail polish any more! It's super fun. I compare it to dried lava on your finger! It looks sweet and I wear it all the time!

This facial wash by Philosophy has been rescuing me from my horrifyingly oily skin. It works wonders. I use it twice daily and I love it!!! I highly recommend it to everyone with oily skin.

Lastly, my favorite make-up. The infomercials are not false! Bare Minerals is healthy for your skin, it has SPF, and it covers blemishes well! They also have blush, eye shadow, mascara, facial washes, etc. This line has not let me down yet!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Don't don't, just do!"

"If you can dream it, you can do it!" -Walt Disney
Do you want to sail the seven seas and take pictures along the way? I think it's a fabulous idea!
How about creating a Daycare center for underpriviledged children? Fantastic!
Are you a female who wants to fix cars for a living? Show the men how it's done!
Do you want to re-sculpt people's bodies and minds through fitness? I'm sure you can!
I think if you want to be the next Vera Wang, Barbara Streisand, Louis Vuitton, Tom Brady, Martha Stewart, Audrey Hepburn, Tim Burton, or any other name, then stop thinking about it... Just do it!
"To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan... believe... act!" -Alfred A Montapert
Everyone has dreams that they feel passionate about. Too many people live their lives stowing their dreams away in a closet and settling with less. I say don't. Do what you want with your life. Feel yourself becoming fulfilled as you take the road towards your dream. Take mental pictures along the way. Enjoy every second. Don't let life slip through your fingers. None of us are getting any younger, but if you can read this you aren't dead yet! You can still do something with yourself. Whatever it is that you want to do, no matter how simple or complex, I urge you to do it. Study it, plan it, seek it out, feel accomplished! You can leave the world with something to remember you by in the end.
"If  you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right." -Anonymous
The two worst words ever spoken by man are "I can't." You can. If you can think it, you can do it. If you can see it, you can plan it. If you can plan it, why not follow through. Never let anyone hold you down. Never let failure get the best of you. NEVER say "I can't." If there's anything I've learned from my three year old boy, it's that there is no "can't". When he wants something, he makes it happen. If a child can do that, so can all the adults of the world. Quitting is never an option. Surround yourself with positive people, positive energy, and do!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Don't let 'em get you down!"

At my job I deal with lots of customers on a daily basis. I have come to know the regulars (which is fun) and I like seeing them all! It makes work less boring. Some are silly, some are serious, some are in a hurry, all of them amuse me. One customer in particular is my favorite to see. He is a little old man with the happiest attitude ever! He always comes up to me with a smile on his face and asks me how I am, what's new, how's the kid, etc. We have our happy little game of catch-up, and every time he leaves he says with a smile "Ok baby doll, don't let 'em get you down." That always puts a smile on my face!

Everyone should take his advice. Be who you want to be and be happy on the road to getting there. Don't let people's words or actions stop you or get you down. We all have the capability to be happy and accomplish so much if we put our minds to it. If you fail the first time, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again with a big smile on your face. Life is a road full of obsticles to teach us along our journey. Enjoy the ride and have an "I can" attitude. The energy you give is the energy you will recieve, so be positive! Don't procrastinate, be your best you now!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sleepy & Grumpy

I woke up in a terrible mood today. It was mostly because I love sleep so much and I stayed up way too late last night. I also skipped breakfast because I was in a rush. Everyone who spoke to me seemed to bug me and I couldn't shake my grouchiness.

Now that I have taken the time to eat a "brunch" and breathe for a second, I am my calm, happy self again. So this is a message to all the people out there who like to stay up late and skip breakfast in the morning: Take care of your body, get a healthy amount of sleep, and don't skip meals! I want you to wake up with a big smile on your face and ready for the day! If you don't, there's the chance that you'll fall asleep in the middle of the day with a sword in your hand like this:
This pic is of my little Jake man who had skipped a nap! Naughty boy... he was much nicer when he woke up, though!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fashion: Inspiration for your SOLES!

So I've been thinking about shoes... a lot! No suprise there because I love shoes! But not just any shoes... runway shoes! You know what I mean... the shoes that are practically art on someone's foot! Like this:
This shoe (by INSA) was most definitely not created for wearing, but it is so inspiring! It is actually made from elephant poop. That's right, the waste from an elephant's butt. Add a little candy and some paint... and boom! You have a wicked awesome shoe that I wish was on my foot! Smell and all!

This shoe (by Kobi Levi) is the most adorable thing ever and I wish I had a pair! I doubt this was made for wearing either but it makes me think of my son every time I see it! In fact, I wish I had a gigantic shoe just like this that he could play on! LOVE IT!
. This beautiful baby right here is called "Read my Lips" by Alberto Guariani. It's your basic heel with a hint on feminine fun!

This shoe (by Alexander Kirkwood) makes me think of painters. I could see some female artist painting away at her canvas and "Oopse!" she spills some paint on her shoe. "Oh well..." she says, "These can be my painting shoes." and after many years of beautiful portraits, her shoes become a piece of art as well.

These nine beautiful soles are also the creations of Alexander Kirkwood. These shoes are to die for. So much detail and creativity! I want them all!!! It's as if an alien took over the designing aspect of shoe making, and I'm happy about it! This man would have made my day if he had ever created a pair for me... but sadly he can't because he killed himself. It's a SHAME!
"These shoes were also worn by Lady Gaga, Demi Moore, and Beyonce." 
Here is a random selection of shoes that I was far too excited about to think of finding who made them. My apologies. Either way, I enjoy looking at them and I hope you do too!

Thanks for reading! I hope you all have a fabulicious day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Peace, Passion, and Positivity

 "Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you're in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that's the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anything else." -Angelina Jolie
I am a chronically happy person. It takes quite a bit of negativity to get me down. Why is that, you ask? Because I choose to! It's really that simple.
Like most people, I had a depressed phase. Nothing seemed to go right, everything seemed to upset me, and I couldn't reach solid ground. That was because I was depending on others to fulfill me. Then I discovered exactly what this quote says: I needed to be happy with myself, by myself. I found that through peace, passion, and positivity.
PEACE: Find your inner peace, and flaunt it! Kill negativity with kindness, it's horribly contageous. Let people see that the little things won't get under your skin and steer away from the people that will make you unhappy. It takes two for an argument to continue. If we don't let things reach a point of conflict, there's no more problems! Viola!
PASSION: The people that know me know that I am passionate about many things. I incorporate my passions into everyday life and feel more fulfilled. Take for instance this blog. It is fun to blog! Blogging about my son and helping people, that's bi-winning! Haha! So find your passion(s) and incorporate them into your life! You'll be glad you did.
POSITIVITY: Once you really think about it, there are a million reasons to be happy throughout your day. Today, I already have so many!
  1. The sun is shining and there is NO SNOW on the ground! WIN!
  2. The word "win" makes me laugh a lot now because Charlie Sheen is crazy!
  3. I got to start this blog with the help of my awesome friend Paige from PBandJ Apparel! She did a great job on my layout!
  4. My son loves me so much that he still has separation anxiety.
  5. I have been wearing the same pants 4 DAYS IN A ROW and they don't smell! Ha!
  6. The cops didn't catch me speeding! :o)
  7. I still have a job! (always a bonus in this economy)
  8. My hair isn't completely hopeless today.
I could type many other examples of my random happy thoughts but there's only so much time in the day. So find your silver lining. There is good to come of every situation. All you have to do is look! I will leave this post with a random selection of pictures that make me smile. :o)