Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Peace, Passion, and Positivity

 "Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you're in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that's the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anything else." -Angelina Jolie
I am a chronically happy person. It takes quite a bit of negativity to get me down. Why is that, you ask? Because I choose to! It's really that simple.
Like most people, I had a depressed phase. Nothing seemed to go right, everything seemed to upset me, and I couldn't reach solid ground. That was because I was depending on others to fulfill me. Then I discovered exactly what this quote says: I needed to be happy with myself, by myself. I found that through peace, passion, and positivity.
PEACE: Find your inner peace, and flaunt it! Kill negativity with kindness, it's horribly contageous. Let people see that the little things won't get under your skin and steer away from the people that will make you unhappy. It takes two for an argument to continue. If we don't let things reach a point of conflict, there's no more problems! Viola!
PASSION: The people that know me know that I am passionate about many things. I incorporate my passions into everyday life and feel more fulfilled. Take for instance this blog. It is fun to blog! Blogging about my son and helping people, that's bi-winning! Haha! So find your passion(s) and incorporate them into your life! You'll be glad you did.
POSITIVITY: Once you really think about it, there are a million reasons to be happy throughout your day. Today, I already have so many!
  1. The sun is shining and there is NO SNOW on the ground! WIN!
  2. The word "win" makes me laugh a lot now because Charlie Sheen is crazy!
  3. I got to start this blog with the help of my awesome friend Paige from PBandJ Apparel! She did a great job on my layout!
  4. My son loves me so much that he still has separation anxiety.
  5. I have been wearing the same pants 4 DAYS IN A ROW and they don't smell! Ha!
  6. The cops didn't catch me speeding! :o)
  7. I still have a job! (always a bonus in this economy)
  8. My hair isn't completely hopeless today.
I could type many other examples of my random happy thoughts but there's only so much time in the day. So find your silver lining. There is good to come of every situation. All you have to do is look! I will leave this post with a random selection of pictures that make me smile. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Can't wait to read more of your posts yay and i love the fishies lmao


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